Wednesday, December 12, 2007


For a little while, I must have forgotten...
For a little while, I must have lost track ....
For a little while, I must have lost focus .....
For a little while, I must have walked in the path of mere men...

But thank God....
Thank God, He brought me to remembrance,
Thank God, He brought me to repentance,
Thank God, He brought me back to purpose,
Thank God, He gave me another chance,
Thank God, He never gave up on me,
Thank God, He loves me so....

I guess sometimes in our lives we just kind of forget who we are, what our lives are about, who we've been called to be. We just loose track of what really matters and we begin chasing shadows.

I have worked that path, but thank God that when he called me back, He also gave me the grace to "hear" and to "obey"... I'm grateful he didn't give up on me, I'm grateful He loves me the way he does.

If you've ever catch yourself forgetting...,

Walking away from the path..., Know that God is there...,
He's always there calling..., calling your name...,
Waiting for you to STOP!!
Lift your eyes up to the hills...,
He's always willing...,
waiting to help you.

He never counts anything against us.
He loves us unconditionally.
He will never leave nor forsake us.
He's always there... No matter what.

He loves You.... Yes... You!! and You too!!!

Give him a chance... It'll be the chance of a LIFETIME!!!

Stay Blessed!


Wow!! Its been a while...

Thanks to everyone who left a post on my blog, I honestly appreciate all your comments and messages.

I finally got a job.... did I hear someone a Halelujah! there?? yeah, I guessed as much... Yeah guys, I got a new job and a fantastic one at that.

I am truly grateful to God and to all my friends(Blogville and otherwise) for all the support, encouragement etc. I'm thankful.

Anyway, without spending too much time here today, I'll definitely be back with some interesting things that have happenned.

Catch you all soon.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Hey People, I know you've been wondering where I've been??? I guess I went on a hiatus! a much needed one for that matter and unfortunately today that I decide to write, I'm in one of those really dull, as a matter of fact LOW moments. Life is just funny sometimes, the way things happen, the way life takes a different turn, the way you want something so much RIGHT NOW and it just isn't showing up at your own time and you're becoming so impatient about it... it's almost driving you crazy kind of thing?? who's been there??

I know people will respond saying things like "just be patient", "everything is going to be alright", "pull yourself up", etc. The truth is I know all these things and they're good to say but right now..... they're just not good to hear so please if you do have to say something, maybe try saying something else that might be appreciated cos right now, I'm honestly not in the mood for those lines.

I just need a JOB!!!!! Never been out of one before and this is definitely driving me NUTS right now. I've always wondered how people feel when they're out of work, now I know. I'm such an active person and staying home, just waiting to be called by a recruiter, waiting for that next interview, the response after the interview etc is just all crazy... This is truly a different phase of my life and I doubt if I'll forget it in a hurry.

I'M FR*C*I*G FED UP!! I just don't know what to do with myself so guess what?? I'm doing NOFING. Haven't even taken a shower today, haven't been picking most of my calls either, I'm not alone funny enough, I hve my circle of friends who check in on me every now and again, but guess what?? I don't even feel like talking to anyone right now. I just feel like I need God to do something on my behalf cos I just can't do anything myself right now. I'm just tired fom inside and feel so helpless right now. I really do need a MIRACLE... feels like the world is closing in on me... yeah, i think that's how i feel and i hate it, I hate being helpless, I hate when I can't do much about a situation. I'm the one who gets things done no just sitting around and waiting.... I know someone is thinking of saying "maybe there's something you're supposed to be learning from this", "maybe God has something to teach you", but guess what?? I DON'T WANT TO LEARN ANYTHING RIGHT NOW. INFACT, I CAN'T SEEM TO LEARN ANYTHING FROM ALL THIS, ITS DRAINING ME INSTEAD AND GOD KNOWS ME, I'M TEACHABLE, BUT THIS ISN'T THE BEST WAY TO TEACH ME, IT'S JUST DRAINING ME......................................

I think I need to stop before I start to blasphem now, but honestly??


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Watched Phone

Hey Guys, I've been away for a little while... it's not been easy joggling so many things together at the sametime. You end up feeling drained.

Anyway, I'm back and hopefully I can blog properly now and catch up on all my favourite blogs... you guys no vex okay...

Someone forwarded this to me by email this morning and I thought it was quite interesting and it'll make a nice read for everyone. Hope it makes a difference to one or two people.


A Watched Phone …
April 4, 2007

7 singles share how they avoid obsessing about a potential new love interest and take every thought captive to Christ

Be Present
After much obsessing, the key I've found is to enjoy the present and not allow one part of your life to determine the rest of it. When I fully concentrate on the present, I'm busy enjoying the people I'm with, my hobbies, a good book, good food. I find I spend very little time missing anything. The Bible tells us to think on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and excellent (Philippians 4:8). When we're present doing this, we can't help but be content.

Don't Go It Alone
It's so hard to not let your thoughts hold you captive. It's easier if the situation is blatantly sinful—you know you shouldn't. But when you're waiting on that someone to call …
My advice? First, ask for the Holy Spirit to help. I try to make sure I'm never doing anything out of sheer willpower. So ask for help from the Helper.
From there, force your mind to focus on something else. Use the opportunity to clean, exercise, visit someone who needs cheering up, or better yet, spend time in the Word. Set your mind on things above, not on the telephone!
My guy friends tell me one big turn-off is a woman who checks in with them too much. And frankly, as exciting as it is when you first discover that someone you like likes you back, it's a major trap to put your focus on that one individual. So keep the Lord as the focus of your life from the start, and you'll avoid major pitfalls later.

Gain Perspective
First, I take a breath and try to realize this isn't life and death. I get moving and stop waiting for the shoe to drop. No mail? Still waiting for "the call"? I go work out, call a friend, take in a movie, or do something constructive. I try to replace unwanted thoughts with others I know will benefit me. And I realize people do have other things going on in their lives that may keep them away from things they'd like to do … like calling.

Take It to the Cross
I have obsessive-compulsive tendencies, and God revealed to me a number of months ago that he can heal me. He gave me 2 Corinthians 10:5 as kind of a theme verse: "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
Initially, I couldn't figure out how one might take every thought captive to Christ. After praying about what that looks like, God showed me what to do. I'm a very imaginative person and tend to visualize a lot. So I mentally write down whatever I'm obsessing about, then I take that paper, mentally, to a visualized cross and I nail it there and walk away. God always steps in and takes the thought. I don't know what he does or how he does it, but it usually takes days for one of those thoughts to come back to me again.

Just Breathe
I attach some short truth or Bible verse to my breathing—intentionally breathing deeply with a thought that will interrupt the obsessive thinking and begin to break those chains. For example, I might breathe in thinking the words "You are my beloved," and breathe out thinking, "On you my favor rests." Several repetitions can refocus me to more productive thoughts, not to mention the fact that good breathing helps relax the body.

Ask the Tough Question
I often ask myself this question when I find myself in this situation: "Do I think about Christ this much?" Do I check and see if he has something to say to me? If my answer is "no," then I spend a little more time concentrating on what God has for me. If something is occupying your mind and not leaving room for Christ to dwell there, then it's not healthy.
To change my thoughts, I read a good book and do some soul searching. More often than not, the guy isn't spending near as much time worrying about whether or not he's going to call me. So I don't make myself the prisoner of others' schedule or emotions.

Change Your Focus
Trying not to obsess about a relationship in the past often failed me because I was still making my thoughts captive to the relationship. I've learned that my very thought process was the reason why my thoughts remained on the relationship. Here's what I'd say to myself: "I need to get my mind off of this relationship. I'm gonna go [insert task here]." It sounded like a good plan to me at the time.

But what I failed to realize in trying to break away from the preoccupation with the relationship was that I was still thinking about the relationship. "I need to get my mind off of this relationship." In trying to escape from the thoughts, I instead buried myself more into them. No wonder I was all messed up!

For me to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ, Jesus must be the One who fills my thoughts. Instead of thinking about relationships with others, I need to think about my relationship with him first. It helps me to ask myself, "What would God think about this?" or "What would Jesus do in this situation?" In thinking about God first, my thoughts immediately become obedient to him. In all I do, even in the seemingly mysterious realm of love, I know that I should strive to put God first. It's not always easy, but it certainly makes things easier.

Have a great week....

Monday, April 16, 2007

Friendship Hurts Sometimes...

Friendship is a beautiful thing,
but Friendship also has the potential to hurt.

The moment you let off your guard,
The moment you let someone...
Into your business,
Know what's happening to you,
Know what you're thinking,
What you're feeling,
What you're saying,
What you're not saying,
What you love,
What you hate,

You inevitably open yourself for hurt.

Friends never mean to hurt you,
In fact in their opinion, they're out to protect you,
But that doesn't stop the fact that...

Friendship hurts sometimes...

It's the very little things they say,
The very little things left unsaid.
It's in the careless words that's spilled,
Out of familiarity sake,
It's in belief that you'll understand,
The belief that you can't get upset,
In the belief that you'll forgive,
In the belief that they know you,
In the belief that those words meant nothing.

That's what Friendship brings... Familiarity

Can you do without Friendship??

Yes, many will answer
But the truth about life is...
No MAN is an Island.

That no matter how guarded we are,
No matter how untrusting we maybe,
No matter how protective of ourselves we are,
No matter how secure,
No matter how strong,
No matter how independent,

When we do find Friendship,
Its indeed a beautiful thing.

To love and be loved in return,
To accept and be accepted,
To be able to open up to a friend,
To know that they'll be there when needed,
To know they'll understand,
To know you've got a friend,

That is priceless....

But..... Friendship will also mean
Accepting them for who they are,
Forgiving them when they hurt you,
Understanding them,
Knowing they never meant it for evil.
Letting it go and moving on...

It's all a part of the price we pay in Friendship.

I'm hurt and I can't deny it.
It's by a friend and I can't deny it.
I forgive, but I can't deny the hurt.
I let go, but that's a choice I've had to make.

Life is a Choice....
To Live or To Die....
Is in itself a Choice.

Today I choose despite the hurt,
to remain friends with you...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

All About YOU!

I was sad and lonely somebody,
My heart, my soul was drifting...

Now... that I finally see,
it's not about me,
the storm is lifting...
and the days are shiny and new..
Cos I'm about YOU....

Everything I feel is YOU,
Everything that's real is YOU,
Everything within my view...
All I see is YOU...

Everything good that I do...
Everything right and true...
Wanna spend my whole life through....
With YOU....

Now I can finally be family....
when my whole world was shattered....
YOU, you believed in me...
YOU helped me see... what mattered....
Now the dream that I'm tryin to purse...
Is all about you baby...

Everything I feel is YOU,
Everything that's real is YOU,
Everything within my view,
All I see is YOU....

Everything good that I do...
Everything right and true...
Wanna spend my whole life through...
With YOU, with YOU.... Cos...

It's all about YOU.....

Terron Brooks & Renee Goldsberry

Love Again...

One too many times my heart's been crumbled on the floor,
So I had to leave without it,
I'm tired of crying 'bout it.
After a while I didn't miss it anymore...
I got accustomed to the quiet,
I didn't have the strength to fight it.

But when you smile, something stirs inside of me,
and I can't break through my insecurity...........

Said I wouldn't, said I wouldn't, said I wouldn't babe...
Said I wouldn't fall in love again...
Said I wouldn't said I wouldn't said I wouldn't babe...
I said I wouldn't fall in love again....

You opened up a part of me,
I thought it disappeared,
Should I surrender to your power, burning deep I feel this fire...
Wont it be a crazy thing, to work the tide up babe...,
Would you promise to be waiting,
When this soul of mine is failing...

It's hard for me to believe this thing is real...
and though your words are true, my heart just needs time to heal....

Said I wouldn't, said I wouldn't, said I wouldn't babe...
Said I wouldn't fall in love again...
Said I wouldn't said I wouldn't said I wouldn't babe...
I said I wouldn't fall in love again....

I said I wouldn't go with love again,
The pain is crazy, felt it deep within...

I said I wouldn't fail in love again,
The pain is crazy, felt it deep within...

I said I wouldn't fall in love...
But I was wrong...

Terron Brooks & Renee Goldsberry(All About You)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Man & Woman

You know, a friend called me this morning and we were just gisting and the next thing she started asking me this rather thought provoking questions and I was wondering what has that got to do with the price of fish in the market lol.... but I realised for her, it did have something to do with it o! In fact it has everything to do with the price of anything she wants to think about right now. Kai, na wa o! the things we get ourselves into, na wa! I'm sure she's not the only damsel in that situation, I guess it's a situation a lot of us find ourselves in one way or the other and at one time or the other. Why we do?? I don't know o! Funny thing is even the smartest, most intelligent of the damsels in town, when they get down to being truthful, you realise they've walked down that lane before too.


- What do you do when you think you jusy might really love someone? I mean you really do care about someone?
- When you're really not sure if they loveyou back in return and you can't seem to ask
- When all you want to do is just stop all the feelings.... but you just can't seem to find the strength
- When you just want to hear his voice, see his face, but he's just not available
- When you see his number calling your phone and you pick it in excitement, only to find out he just wanted to ask you a simple question.
- When he visits you and you have fun hanging out together and you think there's a spark somewhere, only to start thinking later, maybe there just isn't any spark.
- When you think he likes you very much, but then again, you just can't tell cos you really don't know....

My peeps the qs plenty o! and them just tire... me. I think they were just so on my friend's mind that they just came spilling out because she wasn't even waiting for answer o! she just kept going and going.... just talking, I guess she just needed someone to share her innermost thoughts and confussions with.

And me?? what did Moments have to say o?? In fact even I went into a state of confusion as I thought about these questions and my friend.

She's smart, she's intelligent, she's beautiful, she's got the figure. So, it's not about the fact that she can't have other guys or that she's lacking attention. It's just plain fact that she likes this one person so much and she's not sure she knows if he likes her back that way, or if their friendship will move on from there and that scares her now.

It's easy to listen and be judgemental, thinking.... how could you get yourself there?? what are you still there waisting your emotions, why are you still being his friend, why can't you just take the bull by the horn and ask him, why this why that.....

The truth?? It still doesn't stop the fact that that's where she's at right now and that those are all the emotions she's feeling and all the questions she's asking herself right now.

I think it's hard. Me I honestly didn't know what to say, I mean I didn't have a solution o! I didn't even have advise sef and moments na real madam adviser for those who know me well.... lol.... in fact some of my friends call me "counsellor" and others "shrink" but today, I was just "a friend", a "listening ear" I just so felt for her, I couldn't bring myself to be logical..... The best I remember saying to her is "just take it easy, you'll be fine".

Abi?? even at my desk now, I was just sitting here and thinking about it again and decided to come to blogville o! I know blogvile is full of wise guys and gals who might have a thing or two to say about this, an experience to share. At least this gives an opportunity to have your say or maybe even learn from what is being said.

Hmn... I just hope my friend doesn't stumble on my blog though, I'll be busted lol.... she berra not :-)), oh well and if I'm caught, I'll just say it was my way of finding answers abi now??

Anywayz, you guys, the floor is open..... speak out....

Monday, March 26, 2007

Random Talks

Nothing much happened today. After church pretty much stayed home the whole day.

I cooked fried rice today and some spaghetti for the week. I was so proud of myself when I finished. Its the kind you cook and you don't need anyone to tell you it does taste really good. I had some myself but couldn't eat much, I guess the after effect of cooking a gorgeous meal :-))

I had a friend over this evening, he wasn't hungry but at the sight of my food, he lost all power to resist. Hm..... he cleared out his plate and was tempted to have more lol... said he should have been single, so he marry me if nothing at least he'll get to eat this gorgeous meal (I'm not there o! if his wife heard that, hm... friendship no dey reach husband matter o! lol).

Anyways, spent the rest of my day cleaning my house, arranging my wardrobe and just generally walking back and forth my house pretending to be busy :-). Now I'm here writing instead of sleeping. I just can't seem to sleep... oh! I forgot to mention I also slept this afternoon so I guess that has taken sleep away tonight. Anyways I don't mind staying up late and keeping track on what's happening in blogville.

Read LB's Froday post today, in fact.... I didn't realise we had so much talent in blogville o! and that song she played?? OMG!! I kept refreshing the page lol.... beautiful...
You know tonight I was just here thinking about somethings I'd like to post, I have this post I was to put up in episodes, to even start writing sef na wahala, I'm just lazy, but I'll start it sometime this week.
What else?? I was also wondering why you hate to do something and yet it keeps hitting you in the face. You deny the fact, you believe it's gone and DANG!! when you look deep enough, you find out it's there and you hate to admit it but yes you just do care about some certain people no matter how much you deny it :-). Especially when unfortunately, they don't seem to feel the way about you :-( lol.... LIFE!!! innit??
Yours truly should be going on a date sometime this week. I haven't decided when exactly but I'll decide as the week unfolds. I also think there's this guy who really likes me but isn't saying anything about it :-)) , I think he has too many things he's trying to make right, put right, figure out etc...oh! well, too bad then cos if he doesn't say something, he doesn't get anything. I do hope that it's not too late by the time he's through figuring things out hehehe...
Anyways, about my date, he's a cool guy, I don't know jo! but lets see how it all goes. Will keep y'all posted :-)
Okay, now I think I need to get out of here, post this and maybe start writing out the story of the adventures of a certain best friend and moi :-)
Enjoy your week!!

Monday, March 19, 2007


I read LB's post today and I just couldn't help crying my eyes out. I know I'm usually teary when I read some of her posts but this time I just couldn't help breaking down. I'm at work but the tears flowed very freely. I just couldn't hold back.

I miss my mummy.... I read Bukky's post sometimes because it just make me remember mine. How I tried taking care of her while she was ill. I think seeing Bukky's mum's feet and her talking about how she gave her a polish change and sometimes a pedicure, just really broke me cos those were some of the last things I did for my mum before she passed. I did a french pedicure for her and she still has those nail polish on her toe nails right to the grave.

There's nothing, absolutely nothing like having a mum who really cares about you. Who not only cares about you but cares about EVERY individual that came into her life. Bukky I feel you a lot when you talked about your mum just loving everyone... that was my mum. She cared for people so much most times I just didn't understand it.

I remember while she was in the hospital just before she passed on, in all her pain and discomfort, she was still talking about someone she needed to give some money to because she was really feeling her. My mum had asked her what she wanted to do and the person said she wasnted to start some business. She started talking about how she wants to go home quickly so she can get some money for the person to start her business. I was almost upset at her but I just looked at my mum in amazement.
I mean you don't want to imagine how much we were paying for my mum's hospital bill and treatment, you don't even want to think about it and yet in all that she was still thinking of helping someone else who had not even once visited her in the hospital all through her stay there.

I remember at the church during the funeral some of her friends came to eulogise and one of them said...
" Tee is so loving, caring and she's so giving... She'll go whatever extra mile she can to help you, to give to you. If she meets you and you're in need of one of her eyes she'll give it to you, If she met another person who really needed an eye, I know Tee can give out the very last one she has. That's how compassionate tee was, how giving she was. She never wanted to see anyone suffer or in need, she would do whatever is within her power to help out... That's just Who she is"

I can never ever forget my mum, not just because she's my mum, but also because of the way she's impacted my life.

My mum was there for us. I mean she was THERE!!!

I remember growing up my mum would always tell us... "If there's ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING you ever want, no matter how big or small, make sure you tell me. Don't ever go looking for anything from an outsider, always come to me. If I can't get it for you immediately, you know I'll do my best to get it for you eventually. Don't ever go begging for something outside okay??" and she always got us things we wanted. I remeber when loafers just became the fashion in town... ah! my mum watches out for those kind of things o! She took me out one day and said lets go and get your own loafers too and that's all we went shopping for that day... a pair of loafers for moi :-). She liked it when we dressed up well. She wasn't overly vain but if something nice was in season, we sure would be wearing it too lol... that's my mum for you.

She took such great care of us and there's no denying that fact. She made sure we were content.

There was no working day growing up as kids we were not guaranteed Mr Biggs when my mum got back from work. She always stopped to buy snackes for us when returning home from work.

My mum was that kind of mum everyone in your school just knew. She was the one hugging and kissing all your friends and even on lookers who didn't get visited on visiting day, just to make them feel wanted and loved, she jus had a great spirit.

She was the mum everyone referred to as Mummy. People confided in my mum much more than they did their's, it was amazing.
One thing with her though was as sweat as she was, she didn't take nonsense. She'll tell you when you do something wrong, she'll tell you when she thinks you're over stepping your boundaries, she never keeps a grudge so once she tells you off that's the end of it. She also can't fight so if she knows you're reacting to something she said or did, she'll be quick to come joke about it, not necessarily tell you sorry especially if she knows what she's telling you is true, she'll just be like... "huh! abi you're getting upset cos of what I said?? Ooto oro o ni kon ma sohun(Meaning the truth will always be told)" and then she'll give you a really warm hug and start gisting with you again.

My mum is also very perceptive. She catches everything, notices everything. She can also tell you about someone just spending a few minutes with them. Sometimes I ask my mum what she thinks about a particular guy that comes to my house and she'll tell you. I hate most times when she's right about a guy. Also sometimes she'll just come and say..."I don't like that your friend" and I'm looking at her funny now like... gosh! she's come again but most times she's right. Most times though she'll just tell you to be careful and watchful.

My mum loves gist... ah! she wants to know who's dating who and she'll come lie on the bed with me and my sisters or even me and my friends in the room when they spend the night and just gist away like a young girl.

I miss my mum o! So many things I'd have loved to share with her, some I know she'll yab me about, but I know even in that she'll still talk to me truthfully and out of love.

I miss my mum... she'd have called me tire... by now asking me when I'm going to be married.. telling me "ehn! Moment oo mafi oko se boyfriend ( meaning Moment better don't go pass off your husband as a boyfriend).

She's so warm so kind, so gentle, so determined. She's also very hard working... my mum works but she can also very business minded, she can sell you if you let her lol....

I said I wasn't going to blog about my mummy, not now at least but I was provoked to share a little bit of my mum today. I just can't help loving her in her absence right now.

I've never faced the fact that my mum isn't coming back. To me it's just like she's on some vacation and will be back someday so I never refer to her as "dead", I just always say she "passed". I guess the word "dead" just puts a finality or maybe its a reality to the fact that she's never going to come back. That, I'm not sure I'm ready to accept. I know she's alive with the Lord and most times I can almost imgaine that I see her looking at us. I dream about her sometimes and I'm the happiest girl on earth in the morning of those days.

I love my mum so much, I can't even imagine her not being at my wedding.... Gosh!!! I just can't men... I honestly can't.

I think about my hubby's mum sometimes, not that I know the hubby or his mum sef lol.... but I just always pray that God will bring someone who will be a mum to me and not a mother-in-law. I want someone who wont constantly remind me of the fact that my mum isn't there. I pray about it all the time cos it's so important to me. I know the extent my mum goes for other people and what she does for them. Even people that don't like her o! Can you imagine people not liking my mum??? You can guess why though.... it's just plain jealousy but she loves them and gives to them still. A lot of people I think always thought my mum was some mega millionaire cos of the way she gives and carries herself, she likes to dress up and look good and young too.
Hm... you should see my mum in Jeans or shorts, hm... she's a real mama o ni gba! she's got cool legs and she knows it lol........ so she likes to show off when she can.

She's just a lovely women, Great spirit, great heart, great personality. Ever friendly, always smiling, always kind and she can be strict too... ah!! my mum can be strict!

Anyway, not that I've told half of who my mum is but I think I've told enough for today. You can imagine if I actually planned to write about my mum, I can't imagine how long that'll be.

Long and short of it all is that I MISS MY MUM Terribly!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What are you looking for???

My peeps... you people should not vex for me jare. I've been really busy and haven't been able to update all these while, but don't worry it's been for a good course :-). Don't worry I'll respond to all your comments today.

Okay so now I'm back!!

Now, who want to take a peek into some of Moments thoughts ooo???..... ahn ahn!! why so many MEsssss??? okay, because I like you people, I'm going to share something I wrote sometime ago with you all.
It was just me putting down my thoughts and desires o jare, but since I wrote it, it must be true of some what I want :-).
Does he exist some might ask?? well I'm sure he does somewhere on this planet earth, he might not yet be completely all this sha lol... but I'm sure like clay in the potter's hands, he's being molded into all of these for me and don't worry he'll definitely get there.......

What are you looking for???

I’m looking for a man who would love me for who I am, some one I don’t have to be anything other than myself to please him.

Someone who would appreciate me, who would always want to be there, who would wake up every morning thanking God I’m in his life.

Someone who would love to have and raise children with me and I with him, who would be a father to them and along with me raise them to live conscious of the presence of God in their lives and be the best of they can be.

I want a man who I will be proud of, who will be proud of me, who would encourage me, who will be my friend, my brother, sometimes even my father Lolll...

I want someone I can look up to, someone who I wont be ashamed to learn from and who wont feel out of place putting me right and teaching me things I’m not aware of.

I want someone who’s fun, someone who knows to enjoy life, cease the moments, takes the time to spring surprises…. Someone Exciting.

I want someone who wants to grow consistently, who has a vision for his life and his career, someone who constantly strives to get the best and be the best also, someoen who's got ambition.

I want someone who has the interest of others at heart, someone who likes to help people, who want to give something to those who are less privileged, be there when he's needed.

I want a man, who’s not afraid to share his fears with me, his achievements with me, his thoughts with me.

I want someone who is willing to share with me the totality of his life.

I want a MAN, MY VERY OWN MAN :-)

Not one who's with me, with Cherry, Susan, Kelly and many more...

I want someone who's dedicated, Someone who's for real.

I wake up most mornings now wondering where you might be, why it’s taking you so long to find me, to reach me Lolll…..

I pray for you all the time, asking God to open your eyes to see, and that when you do find me, he also give you the conviction that you need to get to me.

I ask him to heal your heart, to heal your hurts fromthe past so you’re not bringing into our lives together regrets of old.

I pray for you always I tell you honestly…

Sometime in the past I never really prayed about you cos I didn’t think it was important.

Now I’ve become more mature, I’m learning that if you truly desire something, it might be worth praying about. I’m also learning that we can call the things that be not as though they were, that we can call forth our desires into being, that there’s power in what we speak, so I’m speaking concerning you now, speaking into you past, into your present and even speaking into your future and our future together, just trying to make sure that the way is prepared ahead of us getting there.

How I’m loving you from afar, I can’t see you right now, but I’m loving you from afar…

This might seem funny I’m sure, but it’s so true.

I’m just patiently waiting for the day you’ll walk into my life and I into yours.
I wont be able to thank God enough for finally bringing into my life My Soul Mate.

I’m so excited about the life ahead of us, but in the meantime, while you’re still finding your way through to my corner, I’m spending my time enjoying being single (you know... like just lounging on a Saturday and do absolutely NOTHING for myself or anyone else for that matter, it's such a great feeling sometimes), I'm spendingmy time developing myself, building myself, reaching out to others, just generally living my life out and I'm definitely also preparing myself for a life ahead of me with YOU :-).

Catch you when you get here…

Thursday, March 01, 2007


I wish you all the very best this new month; I pray that this month will usher in the abundance of God's blessings into your lives, that your heart's desire will be fulfilled this month, that all the things that have proven difficult for you in time past will in this month become possibilities and achievements in Jesus Name (Amen).

This is a very sinificant month for me. Yours truly is laying down all her sorrows, her pain, her heartaches, her failures, her disappointments, her fears, her apprehensions, her desires, her past, her present, her future before the Lord. I'm truly handing them over to him because only HE can turn them around for my good, only HE can turn them around in my favour, only HE can cause my desires to come to pass and only HE desires much more fo me than even I desire for myself.

I'm looking off man now for anything, I'm looking up to the hill now, putting my trust in the Lord. You know sometimes we say we hand something over to God, but we still try helping him, sometimes we even go back taking them over to ourselves again, I've been guilty of that for a while. I think I'm tired of doing that now, I quit!!

This month, I'm stripping off everything, leaving them all behind. I'm ready for a fresh start. I'm truly ready to experience Love, Joy and true satisfaction; not the one that comes with baggages or with something to pay back, No!! I'm talking about the real deal. I'm ready to let him FATHER me, the way only HE can.

I'm ready to take on my life again, it seems I kind of let go of it at some point, like I knew what I was doing when I really didn't, like I was in control, in charge when in actual fact I wasn't. I was sinking lower and lower, just going down...., but Today,

I start my life AFRESH, my journey ANEW to that destination I've always craved for....


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Devil Na Liar!!!

You wont believe it... I know the devil was listening when I was putting up my last post! because by Monday like this, I don sick o!! serious matter. Before I knew it na hospital, before I knew it doctors, nurses everywhere! hm....

Thank God for his mercies sha. I'm well now. The song that keeps coming to my mind since I've been ill has been
"devil na liar number ahhh!! devil na liar ehn! devil na perfect liar o! ahhh!!! devil na liar ehn!!" (I think that was something from one of Fela's old songs, I don't know how it just kept playing in my mind cos I'm not much of a Fela fan). Anyway.... as I was saying.... Yes o, he's a real liar in my life. Just when I was saying I'm overcoming, living life at the top etc... then he struck but well, I'm back again and I still maintain my stand about this week.

I still maintain that that I'm winning in everything and in everyway this week ( I already started anyway by winning sickness). I still maintain that I'm LIVING!! in this week.

So peeps, my invitation still stands o!! Come join me in Living Life this week. I believe that you guys have been living life at the fullest and on Tops, so come tell me what's been happening to you and together we can shame this devil...

Looking forward to reading from you guys.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Thank you guys :-)

Awwwww....... I'm so touched by all the comments left on my last post to encourage me. Thanks so much to everyone that dropped by and left a "pick me up" comment for me. I really appreciate everything you guys said and I did make use of some of the suggestions :-).

We can be down, but we don't stay DOWN so.............................

Guess what?????

Moments is BACK!!!!! and she's back on TOP!!!

It's a new week from today. I'm looking forward to starting this great working week tomorow. I'm looking forward to lloving every moment this week brings, I'm looking forward to having fun, I'm looking forward to winning in everything and in everyway,,,,,,,,, I'm looing forward to LIVING!!

Come on peeps, come join me in Living Life this week.

Be blessed and catch you tomorrow :-)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Feeling Low!!

Moment's isn't just in the best of moods today!!!

I'm not sure why, but I just don't feel very happy generally today. Really low spirit which is very unusual.

I'm always the bubbly one, always the one trying to find out how everyone is doing, lending both ears when someone wants to talk, trying to cheer them up when they feel low or when they just need someone to lift their spirits.

But today??? I'm in no mood for any of that. I'm even in no mood to cheer myself up. I just want to finish up with work today and just go to my house and lie in my bed or maybe even sleep on the floor sef, maybe eat something or not bother eating(not been eating well lately anyway), maybe cry a little (sometimes I do that when I'm not feeling too good), and maybe finally pray, just talk to God at random( cos that's the only place I really find comfort). At least I know he listens and he truly cares...

It's so funny how people come to you with all their own issues and probs, how you look out for others, try listening to them and even helping them which I absolutely love doing, so don't get me wrong. But most times people just forget to ask you how YOU are doing... or truly care enough when they eventually ask you.

Has anyone ever been there??? they just kind of assume you're always okay, will always be ready to listen, ready to help, ready to share, ready for them...

Funny thing is, I'm not writing this cos I want anyone to ask how I'm feeling or anything. Yeah, I don't feel my best today and I just thought to write that on my blog, but you know how sometimes you just start to write and things just kind of show up on your mind as you write.... well I guess that's what happened.

Anyway, I got to go now. Hopefully, I'll be back sometime later when I'm back to myself.

Take care and have a swell day.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

See me see wahala o!!

Hm.... I don't even understand where to start this story o! I had said I wasn't even going to blog today but this matter is really vexing me this morning and I need to vent someplace.

Can you imagine this "Xman"??? Xman is an ex obviously from his name. I'm not sure why in recent times he can't seem to get the fact that he’s an ex into his thick skull. You can’t eat your cake and have it now????

Xman and I dated for quite sometime and we were really close, extremely close for that matter ( I have to blog about that relationship one of these days so you get the full gist).

But meanwhile Xman has been taking some prof. exams and been really worried he might fail his last paper and as a good friend now, I try encouraging him every now and then.

Anyway, that's how a certain someone called me this morning that results were out and asked about Xman's surname, I told her and next thing she said he passed. Excited me sent a text to Xman asking if he's checked his result and that he should check and give me the good news. Only for me to get a text at work that he saw it on Monday and passed, that I, Moment should call him. Abeg, call him that what exactly??? that while he was always worried and disturbing my sleep wanting to talk and have someone encourage him, it was okay for him to call me and when the result came out I had to ask only to find out I was even 2days late, or what exactly am I supposed to call about?? this one na real pekelepekele.... I didn't waste time communicating my thoughts in a return text to him and his response??? Hmm... you don’t want to read it o! …… “well whatever you want to think is really up to you”. Can you beat that my people??? He continues with….. “you didn’t remember what you said the last time I called you and how you were being so sarcastic “ ….blah blah blah.... At least now I think I know where the real problem is.

This is the real story now...

See, one Saturday Xman came to my house and we were gisting along with another friend staying at my place at the time, he then asked when he was leaving if he could come pick us up for church the following day and I said okay. Next morning my friend decided she was too tired to go and so Xman and I went to church o! Service was unusually long that day and my friend text me that she had to leave for her own house and she'll call me. That's how I decided to follow Xman to go buy some gifts for his friend's baby and do some shopping myself. On our way home he decided to drop his own stuff first, change, pick a few things cos he'll be heading to his friends house after dropping me off. He also emphasized the fact that mo ti bu iyepe ile e dani( meaning I had decided not to visit him again). The truth is, I just decided long ago I wont visit him at home jare. I just don't want any unnecessary wahala se you get.

To cut the long story short, since I wasn't in a hurry to get home, I followed him. Did I have much of a choice?? Not really I was in his car. We got in, he was being really nice and offered to make me lunch and yours truly was almost fainting with hunger really. So I made myself comfortable and waited for lunch to be ready. It was a delicious meal of rice and dodo :-)).
After the meal (the food never even reach down sef) we were just gisting and watching TV while he was sha going in and out getting himself ready I guess. He then came sitting beside me and talking and watching TV only for him to reach for my waist o! Ye!!! You shoulda seen the look on my face, he started laughing and asking why I was looking like that, I simply told him I didn't understand what the holding of the waist was for. Is that some thank you for coming to my house or thanks for enjoying the meal, or is that supposed to be what I pay for having lunch at his place??? anyways, I asked him to get himself together and just leave me alone.... my peeps na lie o! He no gree o!! I stood up he stood with me still holding me, now I was really thinking in my mind this guy's finally gone CRAZY!!! And then the drama began, I'm telling you real struggle o!! Ofcouse he's taller and stronger than me now so it became real fight.

He kept saying why now Moments, why can't I hold you, why can't you just kiss me for once... Egbami ooo!!! (Someone save me please) that was what was ringing in my head, but what came out of my mouth was "WHY??? Xman, why should I let you hold, touch or kiss me?? Why?? You don't remember you have a girlfriend again?? you told me yourself about her and how you want to marry this year so what's this all about?? we're supposed to be friends so why are you trying to ruin that now??" The bobo no gree me o!! hm... he was telling me that sebi he's the one that told me he had gf and if he says he doesn't have again nko?? what kind of line is that in 2007?? all this talk was in between serous struggling oh! I mean I was hurting, my skin was going red and purple at the same time. I just kept thinking "When did Xman become so vicious?? I never knew him like this..." anyway, he kept trying to reach me to kiss me but I wouldn't let him, you see how tough a fight like that must have been?? He couldn't believe it. Eventually sha, he did let me go, but he kept saying "so Moments you wont give me even one kiss??" I just looked at him, (this was a bad look now) asked him in what account I'm supposed to write that in and straightened myself and walked right out into the cold to wait outside.... don't worry I wasn't crazy enough to start walking away in that cold. He came outside, opened the car and I stepped in and he drove me home. Didn’t even bother trying to invite himself in anyway.

Please what conversation are we supposed to be having after that incident?? What crazy conversation is there to have?? I just kept to myself and he did try calling a few times but I just felt there was really nothing to say. Oro don talk himself abi??(meaning his actions already spoke for him). The funny thing is I don't get angry for long, I already forgave him and I had moved on from there. I was just more than a little surprised that he'll keep me struggling with him for that long, long enough to make my skin hurt me really badly and it was turning red and not until I made him see that did he leave me alone can you imagine that?? and ooops!! I forgot to mention that he then started saying is it cos of my boyfriend that I wasn't going to let him kiss me, "Isn't that a good enough reason not to kiss you" I shot back at him.

He then calls me last week; I was really ill last week o! and started asking why I haven't been in touch, why I didn't even think I should give him a call to say hi, why I didn't pick his call, why I wont even say hi when I'm online on im, all the why this & why that. What was I supposed to say?? I was ill, he was irritating me with all his ranting and I think I must have really said something nasty to him, can't even remember what I said o! can you imagine, maybe cos that night I was trying to get some sleep and someone was just ranting in my ears

Forgetting all that even happened o! I carried myself to go and be asking for exam result, na me carry myself go receive insult on top of injury now... I blame Xman?? No I don't, I blame myself...

So in short the root of all this evil now is because I didn’t allow Xman hold or kiss me. I’m mega glad I didn’t anyways. What’s all that for?? Don’t get me wrong o! I don’t hate or despise him, he’s a really nice person, but it’s over mate…. It’s been over now for about 3yrs so abeg really in what account am I supposed to be writing kissing ex in?? I’m not an all perfect somebody o! I mean I can kiss him and we’ll just pretend it never happened or I just do it for the simple sake of feeding the flesh, but I wont and that’s just my decision which I think should be respected. I mean you have a gf for heaven’s sake and where does that leave me?? Forgetting all that good girl matter sef, abeg, I don’t want to girl from nowhere kissing and cuddling my baby when I’m not there o!!

Wo! He’s in trouble; I know he’ll still call me back before the day runs out. Se trouble lie down monkey go wake am.

I’ll keep you posted on whatever happens after this. Well and if nothing happens?? I’ll still keep you posted. At least I feel better now.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

*A Soulful Relationship*

Did I ever mention that I'm a love/relationship freak??? I just love the atmosphere of LOVE and good relationship. Haven't had that many but the ones I've had, i'm not lying o! they definitely can't erase me from their memory lolll... They were not perfect but they were soulful, they were real and most importantly, they were fun... Anyways, that's gist for another day. Will be back to blog about them. Watch Out!!!

So here's a little summin-summin for you all that are like me :-), that love to be "in love", that love to "love and be loved", that love to seize the moments and let the moments seize you lol, guess what?? there's nofing wrong with that atall...

*A Soulful Relationship*

If you're not married yet, share this with a friend. If you are married, share it with your spouse or other married couples.. and reflect on it.

An African proverb states, "Before you get married, keep both eyes open, and after you marry, close one eye."

Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, don't let lust, desperation, immaturity, ignorance, pressure from others or a low self-esteem make you blind to warning signs. Keep your eyes open, and don't fool yourself that you can change someone or that what you see as faults aren't really important.

Once you decide to commit to someone, over time their flaws, vulnerabilities, pet peeves, and differences will become more obvious.

If you love your mate and want the relationship to grow and evolve, you've got to learn to close one eye and not let every little thing bother you. You and your mate have many different expectations, emotional needs, values, dreams, weaknesses, and strengths. You are two unique individuals who have decided to share a life together.

Neither of you are perfect, but are you perfect for each other? Do you bring out the best of each other?Do you compliment and compromise with each other, or do you compete, compare, and control? What do you bring to the relationship? Do you bring past relationships, past hurt, past mistrust, past pain?

You can't take someone to the altar to alter him or her. You can't make someone love you or make someone stay. If you develop self-esteem, spiritual discernment, and "a life", you won't find yourself making someone else responsible for your happiness or responsible for your pain. Manipulation, control, jealousy, neediness, and selfishness are not the ingredients of a thriving, healthy, loving and lasting relationship.

Seeking status, sex, wealth, and security are the wrong reasons to be in a relationship.

What keeps a relationship strong?

Communication, intimacy, trust, a sense of humor, sharing household tasks, some getaway time without business or children and daily exchanges (a meal, shared activity, a hug, a call, a touch, a note). Leave a nice message on their voicemail or send a nice email. Sharing common goals and interests.

Growth is important. Grow together, not away from each other, giving each other space to grow without feeling insecure. Allow your mate to have outside interest. You can't always be together. Give each other a sense of belonging and assurances of commitment. Don't try to control one another. Learn each other's family situation. Respect his or her parents regardless. Don't put pressure on each other for material goods. Remember for richer or for poorer. If these qualities are missing, the relationship will erode as resentment, withdrawal, abuse, neglect, dishonesty, and pain replace the passion.

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think." The grass withers, the flowers fades, but the word of God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 Shall we make a new rule of life from tonight.

Always to try to be a little kinder than is necessary. The difference between 'United' and 'Untied' is where you put the i.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Reverend Ronald McFadden.

Catch y'all my good fellas. Let me go and get some more work done :-)

Have yourself a wonderful day.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Moments finally landed in Blogville...

I've waited so long to start this blog. I have stalked other people's blogs daily and have even introduced friends to reading other people's blogs. Finally this is mine. I'm not sure where I got the inspiration to do it today from but I did it and I'm glad I did.

There's so much I've been wanting to write, so much I've been waiting to let out of my mind and sometimes I've even had to write to myself or write on word and just save it up. Now I have a blog, Now I got me my very own blog, you wanna try me lolol.... I guess I'm excited and the likes of Vera, TemmyTayo, Calabar Gal, TMinx,Babaalaye, Tuneday, former Frozen Pink who's now started up her new blog, Zaiprincesa, Tunde Odeyemi, Wildcat(Delilah 3) etc just to mention a few can now visit my own blog and become real blog friends.

I read and follow up on you guy's blogs everyday and it's almost become an addiction.

Boss would have thought I was doing something very productive all morning, not knowing all I've really done today was go from one favourite blog to the other catching up on what's goan. Each time she came around, I just switch to a report I started working on this morning which I just know I'm never going to finish till tomorrow lol... then suddenly I had this nagging urge to start my own blog, wanting to just put my thoughts, my joys, excitements, frustrations , generally putting everything down in black and white (afterall no one really knows who I am... this is blogville) and before I knew it I was on the blogger site, creating my own blog and voila!! this is Moi.....

So this is me welcoming myself & I to blogville, I'm so excited to be here. It's indeed an achievement for me today :-)

I hope to post as often as I can.

I think I can now leave work for school... Naughty me, yes I know :-)